Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor: Can I Get Renewable Energy While I Teach?

Organic Chemistry Tutor: Can I Get Renewable Energy While I Teach?Is it possible to work in an organic chemistry tutor's classroom while engaging in a form of alternative energy? Yes, it is possible and now you can create your own renewable energy supply on your own. In order to do this, you need to become a certified laboratory technician in Organic Chemistry. After you have obtained your degree from a school or college, you will need to take the certification test for lab technician.There are many ways that you can become certified in Organic Chemistry. You can obtain certification through workshops, laboratories, or online courses. The most convenient option to gain certification is by taking workshops online, but you can also enroll in workshops that you find in your area or you can attend workshops and seminars held by your school.You may be wondering, why would you want to take workshops instead of attending one in your area? Well, these workshops are much cheaper than workshop s offered by schools. The fees of workshops are typically based on the number of students who attend them. However, you may not have to pay any fees at all if you have friends or relatives who will enroll you into workshops or seminars.Once you have completed your Organic Chemistry diploma, you will need to get in touch with your teacher to see if he or she would like to enroll you in workshops that are offered by your school. Once you have completed your workshops, you will be able to assess the things that you have learned during your workshop and apply it to your work in the lab.As soon as you are done with your workshop, you will need to connect to the Internet. You will need to purchase a computer for accessing the Internet. Your computer should be equipped with an Ethernet port so that you can connect to the Internet through your Internet service provider. Before you buy your computer, you may want to visit the online computer store to get an idea of what computer you should p urchase.The next step is to purchase a workstation. Depending on your home computer room size, you may need to purchase more than one workstation. Do not choose a workstation that is too small; you will need it for other aspects of your life and in the future.If you have considered buying a laptop, consider getting a laptop computer that is equipped with Green Energy System. This type of laptop has additional batteries that run independently of electricity. Unlike the normal laptop computers, this type of laptop has an extra battery that can be charged when the electricity in your home goes off.At this point, you have three components for your computer: a laptop computer, a workstation, and a battery. You have purchased these items and now you can begin the process of downloading Green Energy System onto your computer. From here, you will have a powerful computer that will be able to run applications that are programmed to operate on the resources provided by Green Energy System.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

How A Drawing And Tutoring Mentoring Program Can Help You To Grow

How A Drawing And Tutoring Mentoring Program Can Help You To GrowThe concept of a drawing and tutoring mentoring program is a new and fast-growing field in the business world. Many businesses today have found this to be very effective in their growth, as it requires less time for staff members to learn new concepts and make an effective career transition. In addition, this strategy also gives clients the ability to continue to receive quality service for years to come.Drawing and tutoring are not the same thing. Drawing is a skill that requires a lot of patience and practice, and tutoring involves education as well as actual practice of a concept or process. Both are essential and both need to be incorporated into an individual's career path. However, it is the combination of both skills that help one to achieve success and make a lasting impact on the customer. It is easy to see why this system is so popular.In the business world, the biggest growth area for both drawing and tutorin g is software development. This includes not only drawing and tutoring software, but also a wide variety of other professional training programs. Both are very successful in the software arena.Drawing and tutoring software allows a business to offer a comprehensive drawing, art, computer drawing, or image manipulation training program to its employees. These programs usually include three to five lessons, depending on the program. When this training program is completed successfully, an employee can reach a point where they are ready to begin working as an artist, or they can work as a graphic designer.Tutoring programs are especially useful when a business has a highly skilled staff, or when an individual wants to pursue a career path with a specific skill set. These programs provide both the tutors and the students with the tools and instructions necessary to become successful artists. A drawing and tutoring mentoring program can include drawing, paper cutting, drafting, collage, Photoshop, Photoshop, graphic design, web design, and more.Individuals who are interested in a career in drawing should consider entering a drawing and tutoring program. It does not matter what the size of the company or whether the employees are all professionals. There are many programs available for entry level or beginner drawing, but the best ones include a variety of courses and hands-on instruction.Drawing and tutoring programs can help many individuals in making the transition from the classroom to the workplace. Not only will the students benefit from this education, but the employers will be impressed by the quality of work a student produces. No matter what the subject of your course, you can be sure that the drawing and tutoring program will be an excellent addition to your staff.

Friday, March 6, 2020

SAT for The Exam Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

SAT for The Exam Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT Exam is taken by students all over the world to get into colleges and universities in the United States. SAT exam is usually taken by high school sophomores, juniors and seniors and this exam consists of 3 main sections: Critical reading, Mathematics and Writing. These 3 sections contain sub sections as well and they examine the students logical and interpretation skills. In the Critical reading section, students are given multiple choice questions related to the given passage. The questions are generally related to the vocabulary, sentence structure, clauses, tone of voice of the author, organization of the ideas etc. Students can get good scores in this section if they improve their grammar and rhetoric skills. The main purpose of this section is to analyze the students reading and interpretation skills. The SAT Mathematics section is sub-divided into 3 sections which majorly contain multiple choice questions as well as few grid-in questions. The multiple choice questions have negative penalty and hence students must be sure of their answer before confirming it. A wrong answer can deduce points from the existing score and hence for absolutely unknown questions, it is better not to answer them instead of guessing a wrong answer. The Writing section in SAT exam consists of multiple choice questions along with an essay question, and the multiple choice questions test the student in error identification in sentences or paragraphs. For the essay question, the students are supposed to write a meaningful essay on the given topic or the issue.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What do you do when youre mentally depleted - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / What do you do when youre mentally depleted - Introvert Whisperer What do you do when youre mentally depleted? I am at a point where I’ve got a number of things either completed or launched and in someone else’s hands.  I’ve feel oddly unclear what the next thing is that I should do.  My “busy-ness” is in a slow down and that just doesn’t feel right.   Ever get that way?   It makes me think I’m missing some big glaring thing to do, which will bite me any minute for being inattentive. What to do? I took a break and did a puzzle.  Sometimes completely changing what you’re doing by changing your pace, your location and even the nature of what you’re doing can do wonders for your work.  That’s why there are weekends off and vacations.  We need to change what and how we work in order for us to stay energized and interested. The deal is; we aren’t always in a position of taking a vacation or launching into a weekend.  That means you need to find things you can do periodically to recharge your creativity or motivation by mentally stepping away from your usual, daily mode.  Give yourself a 15-minute vacation. I worked with a gal who left work every day at lunch.  She didn’t always go out to eat.  Sometimes she would pick up dry cleaning or run an errand.  When we talked about her lunchtime, she explained that lunchtime was her sacred time.  She had to step out of the work environment and do something completely different.  This allowed her to restore her energy and helped to sustain her good mood. If you’re mentally depleted, lacking creativity or feeling anything but motivated, start by stepping away from your work.  Go outside and take a walk.  You pick what works for you but we all need to mix things up sometimes to get the most out of that big, hefty brain. Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will?  If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Dicot Root Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Dicot Root Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace The part of the plant which is seen under the soil is the roots. They develop from the radicle. The root fixes the plant firmly to the soil and absorbs water and minerals from the soil .There are two types of root-Dicot root and monocot root. Dicots root have limited number of vascular bundles which are arranged in the form of a ring. Monocot roots have large number of vascular bundles which are scattered. Both monocot and dicot root have exarch xylem. A dicot root has three regions-Piliferous layer, Cortex, stele. Piliferous layer (Epiblema): It is the outer most protective layer. It consists of a single layer of thin walled living cells. Some of the cells transform into unicellular tubular outgrowths called root hairs which absorb water and minerals from the soil. Cortex: The region in-between piliferous layer and the stele. It is made up of thin walled parenchyma cells with intercellular spaces. The cells are arranged in radial rows or concentric layers. Chloroplasts are generally absent. But in aerial roots chloroplast are present. In water plants, air cavities are present in the cortex. The inner most layer of the cortex is the endodermis composed of single layer of compactly arranged barrel shaped cells. The radial and inner tangential walls are thickened due to the deposition of suberin.These thickenings are called casparian thickenings which prevent plasmolysis .The cells opposite to the protoxylem cells remains thin walled without casparian thickenings and are called passage cells. Stele: Central portion delimited by the pericycle is the stele which consists of pericycle, vascular tissues, conjunctive tissue and pith. Pericycle is single layered and parenchymatous. Vascular tissue consists of xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts water and minerals and phloem conducts food. Xylem consists of protoxylem and metaxylem. Protoxylem is seen towards the periphery and metaxylem towards the center called exarch. The parenchymatous region in-between xylem and phloem is the conjunctive tissue. The inner most region of the stele is called the pith.

Where Can You Take a Photography Course in London

Where Can You Take a Photography Course in London Where in London Can You Take Photography Lessons? ChaptersLearn Photography with a Professional PhotographerAttend a Photography Course in LondonGain Photographic Insights and Tips from a ClubLearn Photography OnlineI've never made any picture, good or bad, without paying for it in emotional turmoil â€" W. Eugene SmithWhether you've caved to technology entirely or are a steadfast holdout of film photography, this quote reflects the emotional, deeply personal aspect of photography.In London, where life moves so fast, where can one learn to marry his soul to the art of photography?Who are the best teachers to learn depth of field from? White balance? Focal points?Who will show us how to frame a scene, pose a subject, capture and immortalise the finest moments of our lives?For the beginner photographer and the intermediate shutterbug: where to learn lighting techniques and other tricks of the trade?You can take this as a guarantee: for everyone enamoured of the art of photography, there is a lesson. Whole courses, even!Let's go find th em, shall we?Learn photography in Edinburgh too, or join a photography class in Belfast.Nevertheless, our capital city sees more tourists every year than any other part of our country, and it is a safe bet that every one of them brings a camera.How can you distinguish tour groups who point DSLR cameras at anything remotely picture-worthy from those learning photography basics with their newly-purchased digital SLR?One way is to take  note  of their camera settings.The sad fact is that the cameras of today are so complicated, so feature-laden, that most amateur photographers content themselves with the auto setting, never venturing into manual set up.Mark Wilkinson is in the business to change auto-amateurs into photographers who capture amazing shots.With nearly 20 years  of experience as a photographer, he works with small groups  exclusively, the better to instruct them on fashion and portrait photography.London being one of the fashion centres of the world, your learning fashion photography could lead to a thriving and lucrative business!His weekly workshops focus on shooting models out of doors. Using natural light enhanced by reflectors, he teaches how to photograph the human form for maximum effect.Find out about photography classes in Leeds.Included in the teaching is how to give models instruction for posing and expression, metering natural light and capturing light effects.Speaking of light...Mark divides his workshops between day and evening: learning how to shoot in waning light or by streetlight.The cost for the daytime workshop is £195; evening lessons are £125.What we like about Mark Wilkinson is the size of his workshops: four people at most, so that he can divide all of his time equally between participants, answering all questions.What we don't favour as much is the fact that one must have basic knowledge of one's camera and principles of photography; otherwise instruction will be dispensed on the fly, with the hope that every workshop parti cipant can retain the information.Intermediate and advanced photographers would benefit the most from these workshops, but where are beginners to turn?Find a photography course in Cardiff!Amateur and professional photographers find much to snap at in Trafalgar Square Source: PixabayRon and Lou Smith maintain that London is an exciting place to live and work, and to photograph.Lou, originally from Edinburgh, has found her beat in the art galleries around town. Formally trained in Visual Arts â€" she holds a BA Honours degree, she has transitioned from painting into digital photography.Ron's love of black and white photography was nurtured at Art College, through capturing and processing  landscapes and abstract scenes.Although he built himself a darkroom and still uses a film SLR camera, he feels inspired by the possibilities inherent in digital photography.He has been a teacher of photography for eight years.Could there be a better pair of mentors to learn the basics of photography from?Together they form London Photo Tours Workshops, offering a host of seminars, courses and photo excursions in and around the city.Their beginner's class is limited to only six participants because they want to teach everyone how to use their own cameras instead of touting general features and applications of the most popular cameras brands and models.It would be sheer luck that everyone in a workshop has the same model camera, wouldn't it?Before snapping the first picture, you would be told  everything about using your camera: what all the buttons and dials do, what the menu represents â€" including histograms, and how to set your camera for optimal image capture, in any light or movement conditions.Participating in a scheduled workshop would cost £90; a private workshop, of three or more people, would run each participant £125.Learn about Manchester photography courses.What we love about London Photo Tours is the passion and experience that drive this pair of tutors, week a fter week, into city streets, to help people learn how to create photographic art.What we are less keen about is that there is no image editing, processing, post processing or retouching education.Those would be such great follow-up courses for these masters to offer!We will have to find another place to learn what to do after taking all of those pictures...Attend a Photography Course in LondonThe Photo Academy London offers an impressive array of courses aimed at the amateur photographer, all the way up to advanced photography and specialisation courses, in fashion,  photojournalism, or other areas.They even have courses on post production, image editing and using Adobe Lightroom!This school can take you from fundamental camera operation all the way to darkroom developing, with stops at niche interests along the way.Are you interested in learning more about studio photography or portraiture?There is a class for that within PAL's curriculum!Prices vary according to the instruction y ou seek. A basic course in camera operation starts at £40 for a two-hour session; a five-month course on basics of photography costs £680, with all lessons conducted during evening hours.You could then go on to select a masterclass, either in photojournalism or fashion photography, which will run you more than £1,800Photo Academy has some great programmes, but you could also  look into  DSLR Photography Courses, whose workshops include training in Photoshop as well as Lightroom.Before editing any images, you must first capture them.That is why these workshops are so great: they present a variety of themes, for photographers from beginner to intermediate, and even classes for aspiring videographers!Have you long believed that commercial photography would be among the most lucrative career fields?You can learn macro photography â€" imaging tiny subjects like jewellery and food, through their photography programs.If you are as yet undecided on what make and model of camera and kit t o invest in, no worries: they will lend you some for free!Are you a fan of Nikon or Canon? If so, you are in luck; those are the brands they work with the most!Their courses are generally kept small, seven participants at the most, so that everyone can benefit from the individualised attention that learning their art demands.Prices fluctuate between £75 and £125 for four to six hours of instruction.Niche fields, such as wedding photography and still life photography command slightly higher prices.What if you are looking for more formal training in photography? Perhaps a degree programme?If you live in the Midlands, reading about photography courses in Birmingham might help you.Many universities in London offer photography degree programmes Source: PIxabay Credit: Tero VesalainenEach of these universities offers a three year programme in photography training, to culminate in the award of a BA Honours degree upon successful completion:University of WestminsterLondon Metropolitan Uni versityLondon South Bank UniversityKingston UniversityLondon College of CommunicationMiddlesex UniversityUniversity of RoehamptonWhile the UK has no law or regulation demanding formal education and certification for professional photographers, having a degree in photography gives you more credibility, and more access to work   and photo shoot opportunities.Click here for information on photography courses in Glasgow.Perhaps you are just a keen amateur of photographic arts, and want to exchange knowledge with like-minded people?Gain Photographic Insights and Tips from a ClubIf your skill behind the lens has brought you a measure of fame, and you wish to share your knowledge about travel photography, wildlife photography or documentary photography with eager peers, a photographic society is a good place to find your audience.Conversely, if you have no time for photography courses  but have a burning desire to learn all about shutter speed, aperture and exposure, you would be likely to find a mentor or two at your local photo club.London Photographic welcomes people of all experience levels, whether they love the digital or are die-hard practicers of film photography.We're fairly certain that you will find at least one kindred spirit among their more than 7,000 members!Their calendar is jam-packed with activities, outings and lectures; everything from using flash to night photography is covered.Should want to enrol with a more established society...The Camera Club was founded  more than 130 years ago, at the dawn of photography's growing popularity.Today, members enjoy the use of the club's digital image processing  software and equipment, including their photo printer.If you are a fan of film, you would gain access to their darkroom after accreditation. You must pay for the use of chemicals.In fact, accreditation is necessary before using any of the club's extensive  facilities. It consists of a walk-through and acknowledgement of the rules, rather than any tuto rials on studio lighting or composition.Is your parents' coral anniversary just around the corner?You might consider booking one of the club's fully equipped studios to snap shots for the party announcements.Whether you are hoping for an introduction to photography or are already a seasoned professional, it is a sure bet that you could pick up photography tips from other members of this group.Membership is £120 per year; with seniors and students receiving a discounted rate.If you are not sure whether this is the right group for you, you could visit â€" attend a few events before making a decision.Advice on photography clubs in Liverpool.What a dilemma! You need photography lessons in order to use that new digital camera you got for Christmas, but have no time for photography class or club meetings...You can take photography online courses anywhere, as long as you have a strong connexion Source: Pixabay Credit: SasintLearn Photography OnlineLiving in one of the world's most interna tional and artistic cities matters not at all when it comes to online learning.From the Orkney Islands to the Isle of Man, all you need for online  photography courses learning is a sincere desire and a stable Internet connection.And a reliable source of quality education, of course.Digital Master Class can be counted as a quality provider of photographic learning.If you are contemplating moving beyond the selfie, plan on investing in good photographic equipment and perhaps even moonlight as an event photographer, DMC's accredited  photography courses could help you achieve your goals.Their Level 3 professional photography course covers everything from basic composition and exposure to RAW conversions and building a portfolio.If you are entranced with visual storytelling and want to take your talent behind the lens to the next level â€" even if you don't want to go pro, you could learn a lot from these masters of photography.Or...Superprof has a fine retinue of photography tutors re ady to offer their guidance.If you are looking for basic photography lessons in easy to understand, everyday language, Superprof's photography tutorials are sure to help you find your way.You could learn to photograph architecture from a master photographer in Paris or... what about street photography from a professional in colourful  Mexico?As an artist, the world is yours to define. As an online student, you define your world.London, our beautiful, international capital, has everything to offer the professional photographer.Learning what to photograph and how to capture your subject for maximum effect takes a bit of training.Now, you know where to find the level of guidance you need to expand your photography skills!If you're not a Londoner, read our blog on photography courses throughout the UK.

A Student Perspective on Columbia University

A Student Perspective on Columbia University Philip earned his bachelors degree in neuroscience and behavior from Columbia University. He specializes in psychology tutoring, algebra tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, he shares his experience at Columbia University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Philip: Unlike many urban campuses, Columbias main campus is quite centralized; most of the undergraduate buildings are within a rectangle bounded by 114th Street to the south, 120th Street to the north, Amsterdam Avenue to the east, and Broadway to the west. It really feels like a self-contained, traditional college campus in the middle Manhattans Morningside Heights neighborhood, complete with quads, walking paths, and all the features usually associated with a college campus. While all three of the main freshman dorms are conveniently located within this six-block area, some undergraduate housing (including fraternities and sororities), professors offices, and administrative buildings are slightly farther away. However, all of the resources and facilities you will need as an undergraduate are located within short walking distance to on-campus housing, with the notable exception of the football field and some other athletic facilities. Cars are not only unnecessary for transportation, theyre strongly discouraged. Since Columbia is located in Manhattan, where space is scarce, parking is not provided for students. A student would either have to park their car on the streetwhich is a huge hassle in the short-term, let alone all yearor pay large fees to a parking garage. Fortunately, New York City has a top-notch mass transit system, and the bus and subway systems will take you anywhere you need to go. Bikes are an excellent option, but they must be stored in your dorm room and may prove to be inconvenient for most purposes. If you do choose to bring your bike, bring a quality bike lock and be very carefulbike thefts are very common in this area. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Philip:This varies greatly from class to class. Professors with high-powered research careers tend to be less available for one-on-one contact. These professors often delegate office hours and similar duties to their teaching assistants. However, most professors and some TAs do have regular office hours, but some are available by appointment only. For large classes with a consistently high volume of students (e.g. organic chemistry, biology, science of psychology, introductory sociology), a TA or professor is usually available for office hours every day of the week. Academic advising at Columbia is pretty laissez-faire; it is incumbent upon each student to formulate a strategy for programs and classes, and while each student is assigned an academic adviser, they rarely reach out to you individually. However, motivated students will find that Columbias academic advising offers various specialized programs and resources to help guide each individuals academic future. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Philip:Incoming first-year students at Columbia are required to live in on-campus housing for their first year, with very rare exceptions. While housing is guaranteed for all Columbia College and SEAS (engineering) students for four years, students who opt out of on-campus housing at any point in their undergraduate careers will lose their guaranteed housing, and may not be able to re-apply for housing. For example, if a sophomore chooses to live in an off-campus apartment, they may not be eligible to participate in the housing lottery for junior year. Freshmen are traditionally assigned to one of three residence halls, all conveniently located on the main campus: Carman, John Jay, and the Living Learning Center (LLC). Carman is comprised of four-person suites, with two rooms of two students each. This dorm is ideal for students who want a more lively social scene. John Jay consists of small single rooms, while the LLC includes larger suites of four or more students. There are two main dining halls for undergraduates, both located close to undergraduate dorms. The quality of the food itself is fairly top-notch, although their hours of operation vary from day to day and some students have complained about overcrowding at times. JJs Place, located in the basement of John Jay, is a casual dining hangout open only on nights and weekends. JJs is also included in the meal plan and has been recently renovated. Students can watch TV on flat screens (nearly one per table), play board games or foosball, and enjoy some delicious food. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Philip:I think it is safe to say that most programs of study offered at Columbia College and SEAS meet extremely high academic standards. However, certain programs are especially prominent. Columbia is the site of many seminal experiments in neuroscience, physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and psychology, and the biological sciences department is staffed by some of the worlds top researchers in their field. Columbia Journalism is consistently ranked as the number one graduate school of journalism in the world, and the Pulitzer Prize is determined by Columbia Journalism faculty. The most popular majors include economics/political science, sustainable development, history, neuroscience (my own major), and financial economics. Because of my proximity to excellent neuroscience faculty as well as knowledgeable and motivated students with similar research goals to my own, I have felt very fortunate in the academic and professional guidance I have received as a prospective neuroscience researcher. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Philip:There are ample opportunities for incoming freshmen to meet students with similar interests and goals, from NSOP (Columbias week-long undergraduate orientation week), to hundreds of clubs and student groups. While Columbia is home to a dozen or so fraternities and sororities, Greek life at Columbia is less prominent here than at most large universities. However, rush events can be a great way for freshmen to meet other students, Greek or non-Greek. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Philip:Columbias Center for Career Education (CCE) is an excellent resource for students seeking professional guidance, networking opportunities, internship and job interviews, and more. Columbias LionShare website allows students in any Columbia University program to search for internships and jobs in their field. CCE also hosts workshops and classes throughout the school year, from topics such as time management to resume writing. Columbia hosts various job and internship fairs, from industry-specific events to those limited to juniors or seniors. These events are often well-attended by representatives from top employers in every industry. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Philip:Although Columbia has study space in its libraries, residence halls, and other school buildings, it can be very difficult to find a place to study during midterms and finals season, often forcing students to enter and walk around several campus buildings before finding a decent study area. The most common study location is the enormous Butler Library, followed by secondary libraries belonging to the business school, law school, architecture department, and East Asian studies department. Many residence halls have excellent study spaces conveniently located on their top floors or basements, and many dorms have been recently renovated for additional study spaceincluding Broadway, Schapiro, McBain, and Carman residence halls. It would behoove incoming students to scope out lesser-known study spaces through trial and error, and develop a list of go-to study spaces to reduce time spent wandering around the library during finals week. Describe the surrounding town. Philip:Columbia University is located in Manhattans Morningside Heights neighborhood, part of the Upper West Side. The neighborhood is roughly bounded by 125th street to the north, 110th Street to the south, the Hudson River to the west, and Morningside Drive to the east. Morningside Heights is a primarily residential neighborhood populated by students and faculty of Columbia University, Barnard College, Union Theological Seminary, Manhattan School of Music, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Bank Street College of Education. Because of the density of educational and cultural institutions in the neighborhood, Morningside Heights has been referred to as New Yorks academic acropolis, a term that also refers to the areas relatively high elevations. While Morningside Heights is a markedly different kind of setting from the familiar college town, local businesses, landmarks, and place names reflect Columbias strong presence in the community. Popular restaurants along Broadway include Community Food and Juice, Mels Burger Bar, Koronet Pizza, Thai Market, and the famous Toms Restaurant from the TV sitcom Seinfeld. Because of Columbias proximity to the 1 train, students can also explore downtown neighborhoods. A twenty-minute ride from Columbias 116th street station can bring a student to Lincoln Center, where they can watch world class performances. Thirty minutes will bring them to Times Square, and forty minutes will transport them to the trendy neighborhoods of West Village, Chelsea, and Soho. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Philip:Columbias four undergraduate colleges (Columbia College, Fu Foundation School of Engineering, Barnard College, and General Studies) are comprised of about 8,000 students. Class sizes vary, with large lectures in introductory courses, such as General Chemistry or Science of Psychology, often seating 150 students or more. However, most classes at Columbia are smaller than 25 students, and some seminars can be as small as six students. I was generally satisfied by my class sizes, especially in core curriculum classes. The availability of TAs and after-hours tutoring options supplements the already excellent student-faculty ratio. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Philip:My favorite and most memorable class was Genes and Development with Dr. Tulle Hazelrigg. The class size was less than a dozen, and the curriculum was simultaneously challenging and fun. One day after class, Professor Hazelrigg brought us to her genetics lab in Fairchild Hall where we observed some specimens of C.elegans nematodes with the fluorescently marked protein GFP. The nematodes were marked using a technique innovated by her husband, who had won a Nobel Prize just a couple years prior for his pioneering work with green fluorescent protein. While watching the fluorescently-marked nematodes in Dr. Hazelriggs lab, I felt like I had stumbled upon a piece of scientific history in the making. Check out Philips tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.